Dragon Names

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Here are some Dragon names

Abraxas - Persian serpent with symbolic significance in Gnosticism. Also spelt Anbraxas or Abrasax.
Akhekhu - A four-legged serpent from Egypt that lived in the desert. Possibly supernatural.
Amphiptere - A limbless, dragon-like winged serpent from North Africa.
Ananta Boga / Anantaboga - King of the dragons in Javanese wayang tradition. Ruler of the kingdom of the dead.
Apalala - A water dwelling dragon who was converted to Buddhism by the Buddha
Apophis / Apep - In Egyptian mythology, Apophis was the serpent-like dragon that daily attempts to catch and destory the sun god Re.
Azhi Dahaki - Three headed Persian dragon
Beowulf's Dragon - Legendary hero Beowulf was finally killed in combat with a dragon. The hero's sword broke allowing the dragon to bite him - Beowulf later died from the poison.
Brinsop Dragon - A British dragon that lived in a well in Duck's Pool Meadow in Brinsop. It was killed by a local knight - some say Saint George.
Drachenstein - A Norse dragon that was slain by Hurnen Sifrit for its hoard of gold.
Eingana - Snake goddess from aboriginal mythology. She is the creator goddess and also goddess of death. If she dies, so does the entire world.
Fafnir - A Norse dragon. Depending on which version of the legend you read, Fafnir began life either as a dwarf, a giant or the son of a magician! Either way, he was ultimately transformed into a dragon and slain by Siegfried.
Jormungandr - In Norse mythology, the world serpent that lay in the oceans curled around the world and biting its own tail. Mortal enemy of Thor. Also called the Midgard Serpent.
Kalseru - A rainbow serpent goddess from aboriginal mythology. Associated with fertility and rain. Also known as Julunggul.
Ketu - The "Dragon's Tail in Indian mythology
The Knucker - A British water dragon from Sussex.
Ladon - Ancient Greek dragon that guarded the golden apple tree of goddess Hera. It was killed by Herakles in order to steal the apples.
The Laidly Wyrm - The Laidly Wyrm was once a princess who was turned into a serpent by her evil stepmother. Oh yes she was!
The Lambton Wyrm - An English dragon, the Wyrm was accidentally caught by John Lambton whilst fishing. He threw it down a well but the Wyrm survived and grew into a dragon that terrorised the neighbourhood.
Manasa - Manasa is a Naga from Hinduism and is a goddess of fertility.
Master Stoorworm - A huge sea serpent from Celtic mythology. His demise led to the creation of the Orkney, Shetland and Faroe Islands.
Midgard Serpent - Another name for Jormungandr
Naga - In India Nagas are a race of snake-humans, often represented as a serpent with a woman's head. In malay a Naga is a many headed sea-dragon.
Nessie - Familiar name for the Loch Ness monster
Nithhogr - A Norse dragon that lay at the foot of the world tree Yggdrasil, gnawing at its roots and eating the remains of the deadd.
Norbert - Hagrid's baby dragon in the Harry Potter tales
O Goncho - A white dragon that once every fifty years transforms into a golden bird. Its cry brings famine. 
Pern Dragon - Many different dragons of various colours from the Pern novels of Anne McCaffrey
The Piasa - American dragon from Illinois.
Puff the Magic Dragon - From the song of the same name 
Quetzalcoatl - Winged and feathered serpent god from Mexico
Rahu - The "Dragon's Head" in Indian mythology 
Rainbow Serpent - In aboriginal mythology the Rainbow Serpent gave birth to all the creatures of the Land at the beginning of the Dreamtime.
Romanian Longhorn - A type of dragon from the Harry Potter novels. It has dark green scales and a long golden horn.
Saint George's Dragon - The dragon killed by Saint George, patron Saint of England. It appears not to have a specific name of its own.
More on Saint George's Dragon
Scylla - In Greek mythology Scylla was a nymph. The witch Circe turned her into a fearsome sea beast that wrecks ships. In The Odyssey she ate six of Odysseus' companions.
Shen Lung - Chinese good luck dragon that features in New Year celebrations
Sirrush - The Babylonian dragon of chaos
Smaug - In J.R.R. Tolkein's "The Hobbit", Smaug lived in a cavern in the Lonely Mountain where he guarded his treasure.
Tiamat - Tiamat appears in the Babylonian creation myth and is sometimes considered to be a dragon
Tatsu - Not an individual dragon but a generic term for Japanese dragons
Typhon - Monstrous son of Gaia and Tartarus in Greek mythology, Typhon had a tongue of fire and a hundred serpent heads.
Uwibami - Uwibami was a great Japanese dragon that would snatch men from their horses and eat them 
Vasuki - Indian Naga serpent-dragon, one of the eight dragon kings. His body was used to churn the oceans.
Whiro - Lizard-man God of death from Polynesian mythology who lives in the underworld and puts evil thoughts into the minds of men.
Wyvern - Generic name for a comon type of British dragon.
Y Ddraig Goch - The red dragon, symbol of Wales.
Yofune-Nushi - A Japanese dragon who craved female human flesh and demanded a maiden sacrifice once a year
More on Yofune-Nushi
Yong - Generic name for Korean dragons.
Zu - An ancient dragon from Sumerian legend. Zu stole the Tablets of Law and threatened to plunge the world into chaos.

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